U Biz

At the University of Minnesota there are a number of businesses that have taken advantage of the many resources and networks to take their businesses to the next level. Coming from across the University's colleges and campuses, these startups range a wide span of services and products.


VL Mountaineering

Outdoor Apparel Brand

Founded by a senior in the product design program out of the College of Design, VL Mountaineering is an outdoor brand inspiring people to strive "To the Heights" in all they do. A percentage of every purchase is donated to help inner-city youth discover the power of the great outdoors. Founded in the Twin Cities, VL will find a home in Denver, CO.

VL Mountaineering

Galilea Technologies

Tech Company

Founded by a junior in the computer science program in the College of Science and Engineering, Galilea Technologies strives to bring motion at the speed of thought for disabled wheelchair users.

Galilea Technologies


Mobile Application

Mobineo (Mo-bin-ay-o) is a startup founded on the mission of digitizing land surveying practice in the developing world. Currently, nearly all land claims in the developing world are in paper, which allows for rampant corruption and fierce ownership disputes. Mobineo is seeking to resolve this through creating an Android application and GPS device which will allow government land surveyors to accurately document ownership claims.



Green Vending Machine

Greenvend is an environmentally friendly vending machine who aims to reduce plastics by utilizing reusable water bottles started by six students from MGMT 3010. The design is a cross between a vending machine and a water fountain, offering a variety of non-carbonated drinks. The initial target market is Carlson School of Management but aims to spread across campus.
